Art Nouveau 「アールヌーボー」 240頁
TASCHEN's 25th anniversary - Special edition!
うれしい完全日本語版 売り切れ
ハードカバー 31x25x2.5cm
Book Description
Art Nouveau. Reconciling the Irreconcilable
Art Nouveau, whose emergence at the same time as cinema was no mere coincidence,
represents the most remarkable attempt to reconcile the demands of the technical age with
the undying wish for beauty and glorification - or to pit the one against the other.
Under the title "Art Nouveau - Utopia: Reconciling the Irreconcilable"
the reform movement of the turn of the century is not only dealt with as an artistic
event, but those economic and political interests which inspired, supported and
handicapped it are also taken into account.
In the chapters "Movement", "Unrest" and
"Equilibrium" the historical phenomenon as a whole is characterised and is also
presented with its own distinct local features. The centres of Brussels, Nancy, Barcelona,
Glasgow, Helsinki and Chicago are dealt with in subchapters as are Munich, Darmstadt and
Weimar. Finally, Vienna, that city in which the synthesis achieved its culmination, is
described separately.
The outstanding artists are dealt with in detail in connection with the respective
cities of their greatest activity. The result is a complex picture of the symbiosis of
architecture, furniture design and craftsmanship with their corresponding approaches to
artistic revitalisation.
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