DVD Description
Tiffany Style Lampmaking With Joe Porcelli Dvd
Learn How to Create a Tiffany Style Lamp in Less than 1 Hour!
Learn how to prepare your templates and design, choose the right tools and equipment, cut
your glass accurately, choose colors in a painterly way, grind and shape your glass to
perfection, choose the right foil, assemble your lamp over a fiberglass mold, get a great
solder line, reinforce your lamp and apply a beautiful brown patina. DVD.
ガラスの選定、型紙の使い方、カットの方法、半田づけ、モールドからのはずし方、リムの取り付け、パティーナの方法など・・・。ムダのないプロの手際良い手順が参考になります。英語。52分。 |